I've got a pocket full of sunshine.

Such...lack of responsibility. He would avoid this line of discussion. He pretty much certain that Inferni had done something to provoke anything that had happened, as per usual. Inferni just...wasn't led well. The Lykois were insane, and they just...got their people into trouble, over and over again. It really shouldn't fall to everyone else to manage a single population. It also shouldn't just fall to a handful of moral people to deal with this problem.

"I've heard about this Haku, and what he did was horrible if they're being honest about it this time...but if you think about it, it's exactly in line with the way the coyotes believe, isn't it? If one coyote hurts a wolf, any coyote will suffice as a target of recompense. Just as Gabriel's brother once tried to kill you, despite the fact that you had done nothing to earn their enmity." He let that final note hang for a few moments. He knew that the culture of duck and cover around here was too strong for him to affect any really change, but he didn't think that just leaving other people to deal with a problem that concerned all of them was reasonable.

"I don't support what I've heard of this Haku's actions, but I have to say that Dahlia has the courage to get its hands dirty, which is a rare and valuable thing in this place, I must say. Do you know why he did what he did, I've only heard the coyote's side, which...given how they told the story of what happened the first time you and I met, I don't know how accurate that side of the tale is." He was curious. Was Haku just a monster all around, or had he been driven to this by a similar travesty perpetrated by the coyotes? Chances were that the coyotes had done something horrible to a wolf, and were now crying out, knee-deep in their own hypocrisy, about how evil wolves were to treat them the same way they treated everyone else.

"As far as Pilot, I don't know. I haven't heard his stance on it yet. I doubt he would try to hold me back if I planned to join Dahlia. It's fortunate for Inferni that I had a recent battle with another professional recently."

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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