Bring Me the Horizon [aw]
OOC come play with a kir? / +581

His eyes opened suddenly, nostrils flared. He didn't remember how he had gotten to the middle of the forest, where he had been laying. His sweetcorn eyes were wide, and he looked around. He was not in a familiar place, for this whole land was new to the Helsi male. The secui male had awoken with fallen leaves clinging to his slightly shorter than normal wolf-fur and he quickly got onto his feet once he was fully awake. He was groggy, and confused as to where he was and how he got there, but the pain that would hit him in his side would explain something. He had a gash there, for he had been fighting again, with luperci over a cave that was supposed to be empty, but two angry wolves who wanted the cave for themselves had fought the male for the cave, ganging up on him and ultimately beating him into submission until he ran away with this tail between his legs. He was not proud of himself at all, and he knew he would return to that cave because he had forgotten his things. He would keep an eye on that cave and make sure he got his tools back, because he needed those things to survive and there was no way that he was going to allow some stupid males take his prized bear pelt and fox loincloth. There's no chance in hell he would let them take it. Ugh, need food... he groaned to himself. If he was able to eat, then he would be able to shift, and then when he was able to shift he would be able to take care of the gash in his side and the lacerations on his arms and legs from the wolves whipping him.

He whined lightly as he slowly made his way through the forest, his hulking body brushing against bushes. He would be lucky to find a meal in his condition, simply because he was barely able to stay awake while he was walking. The air was cold against his body, yet he was panting as if he had been running, or was hot. His tongue lulled from his maw and it dripped with the saliva that had collected on it. He sighed heavily as he continued on, slowly but surely and running into trees and bushed along the way. He was not blind, just extremely and utterly tired. So tired. Why did he even get up from his resting place before? Oh right, because he was hungry, and he needed to shift. Hunger drove him, and hopefully something stupid would cross his path, or he would find a carcass to scavenge off of.

Leathery black nose had sniffed the air, hoping to find something. The scent of blood that was not his own was on the air, and it made his stomach growl loudly. Obviously, the cola and teak colored male would start to rush towards the meal, even if it was being guarded by someone, or something. He was lucky though, because when he came upon the food, the only thing that had been on it was a bunch of ravens. He barked at the ravens and did his best to drive them away before he gorged himself in the bone and flesh of the deer carcass that someone had left behind for the scavengers, such as he. Boy, did this meal taste good to the wounded secui male though.

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