A Meal for Two
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The fragile heart was cradled delicately within the female's claws, the soft muscled wall caressed by the tip of a single claw as she looked to her companion in thought. The last time she had shared a meal, it was in a comfortable silence. No words need be spoken... the body was sufficient enough to answer all questions and sate the curiosity of the other. It was almost strange now, to be on the very of mealtime banter, light and comfortable at it was. For a moment, the woman was taken by surprise.

He recalled her words from earlier about how she left the Nomads because of their stagnant cycle. In so few words this was the truth; but it was much more than that. Her eyes cast to the warm muscle resting on the pads of her palm still caressing it thoughtfully. "It was a difficult choice, but I felt it was necessary. The only fear that kept me bound to them was that my Shepard would not has a successor and he would be alone during his last years should I not return. But it was with his encouragement that I gathered the courage to leave. He told me... that I would be as he once was; a Leaf tossed by the great wind of Change. It made me happier than I had felt in a while."

Her softly spoken words grew silent as she brought the heart to her awaiting maw and took her first bite, not so much tasting as she was feeding her pressing need for food. The bloodlust attained through the hunt was fleeting, it encapsulated her senses but did not linger beyond the taste of the killing blood. She fell into comfortable repose, ears open to the lively voices of the woods, announcing their nightly wishes to others before the coming night put them all to rest. "What about you?" She pressed in turn, taking another mouthful of her meal. "Ichika was not always your home? Was it difficult for you to leave your first family?"


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