I've got a pocket full of sunshine.

He closed his eyes and nodded at her explanation. He had heard the argument before. Just mind your manners and the belligerents will leave you alone. Sometimes it was the correct path, and it was certainly the right of her and her pack to take it...but he viewed responsibility in a different way, and felt that Inferni had proven its incapacity for peace often enough that it should be dealt with. Either way, he was the one trained as a warrior...it would be a much different thing if he refused to fight than if people like Naniko chose not to.

"I thank you for your kind words. It wasn't anyone from Inferni, though, but a coyote woman from my past...someone I'd met in the first war I participated in over four years ago, someone who dedicated her life utterly to this path like I did. Individually, she was a stronger combatant than any coyote I've met here, though thankfully she worked alone. Her equipment was better than mine...superior weapons and armor. I killed her, but I only lived through it thanks to a packmate who distracted her." It was a grudging admission, but he didn't want to sell Lubomir short. The man had pulled through for him in a big way. He knew that age and stress were getting to him...he had been taken unawares one night and Phoenix had saved his life, now he had needed another ally to survive a fight with a solitary opponent. It would only get worse with time, he knew. He would need to train even harder and practice longer to compensate.

"As for fighting...it isn't something that everyone needs to do. I've seen full-fledged war three times now, and sometimes there is no point. Sometimes war doesn't end the way it should, sometimes the opponents are so closely matched that there is no decisive victory, and so everyone suffers and no one gains. Other times, though, war is the only closure people can achieve, and the only way to solve a problem, if only one side is unwilling to compromise, which is usually the case. The past may be the past, but it has a tendency to repeat itself when those who remember it don't work to prevent its recurrence." He looked at the area around them, before shaking his head.

"This discussion is pointless, though. I've had this same conversation with people across many hundreds of miles. I am a warrior, there is no way I will ever believe that what I do is pointless. You are not, and from what I hear you say, you are deeply entrenched in your beliefs as well, far too much so for an old wolf like me to shake them." He smiled slightly, before sniffing the air. The world was made up of all sorts...he was simply grateful that she wasn't the sort to try and stop people from doing what they themselves believed needed to be done.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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