It's kinda the way I'm feelin'
I’m going on the assumption that Savina will notice that Naniko’s not pregnant anymore. If you want to change that just let me know!

Savina’s brow furrowed at Naniko’s response. ”Naniko, I don’t think that fishing is what is on your mind right now…” It was obvious to her that something was eating at the other female. Something very troubling. Some wolves might have shied away from trying to make another, especially one of the leaders of their pack, face a subject that they didn’t seem to want to. However Savina’s mother had raised her to always try and make people talk about their problems. ”It is always better to talk about the hard things Savina. If you keep them bottled up inside they can eat you alive.” The onyx female had always had a knack for reading people’s emotions, and she could tell that her friend was in fairly bad shape. But what was it? What had caused such a drastic change in the Andromeda’s mood?

That’s when she noticed it. She had absentmindedly been looking over her body when she noticed the lack of the bump in her belly. Savina was so shocked that it seemed her heart had stopped beating for a moment. Her green eyes looked back up at Naniko, unable to hide the shock and sadness that shone in them. “Naniko…I…what…” The words caught in her throat. Her eyes trailed back down to her flat stomach and back up to her face. ”What happened?” It was the only thing she could blurt out, her Italian accent even thicker than usual with the worry and emotion that was washing over her.


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