Bring Me the Horizon [aw]

OOC here!

occ; Spell checking. didn't mean to submit yet. WC; 834

Bambi was a bit far from her home. Lately she ha d begun searching for items to decorate her home.. Trying to make it some what more 'unique'. While in her previous camp, she wasn't allowed to decorate at all. If you had been captured rather then born into slavery, all your items would be striped from you. The idea in this was to take away the wolves sense of being.. Which went right along with forcing them to refer to themselves as numbers, rather then the label they were born with.

The name that had been taken from this particular woman broke her dear mothers heart. Of course her mom knew that she would have her name taken eventually.. She was no newcomer to the traditions of the camp. It was even safe to guess that Bambi's birther was also aware that she had been impregnated for the soul reason of having someone to replace her. It was a sick idea.. And one that could almost bring tears to this dog's eyes. "Knowing the daughter you are raising is there to allow them to kill you off.. Sickening."

The attention of the dog was brought back to present day matters by the stern voice of her feline companion. "Bambi, eggs," She smiled down at the old cat, trotting over to her and searching around for the nest she had spotted. These were not laid by a ground dwelling bird.. Therefore it was quite easy to tell that shew would not simply be able to pluck them from their bed and place them into her sack. Bambi looked up, spotting the woven made up of twigs, grass, and various other items other items above her head. She looked around for something to stand on.. Since she was not much of a fan of trying to climb. She heard a soft meow coming from her side, and looked over to find Nana standing on top of a cleverly placed rock. "Nature is sure on our side today," remarked Nana. The black critter hopped off the grey coloured object, eying the fully shifted wolf as she climbed in to the same spot where she had previously been.

The young canine peered into the nest, touching the eggs to see whether they were warm or not. It was a habit, and probably not something she really needed to do. She doubted that even if they bird did come back that it would dare to attack her.. Especially if it was a smaller one. White paws reached in to the basket, scooping up the eggs one by one and gingerly placing them into her sack.

As they two continued on exploring, the found the forest to be heavy with silence. With Bambi being mute more then most of the time, the conversations between them were always quite dull. Naturally, the the birds were chirping. And of course the wind rushed by occasionally, causing a few loose leaves to drop onto the ground bellow. But those were all natural sounds.. Ones that were supposed to be heard. As another gust of wind danced by, Bambi smelt something traveling along with it. The curious dog wiggled her nose, further opening her nostrils and inhaling the scent deeply. Before she knew it, she found herself following it. She could barely hear her cat mother screaming behind her, telling her to slow down, and to be careful. But it was to late, she was entranced. The smell was sweet and delicious- One all carnivores would recognize. "Blood." But as she got closer, she felt something else creep in with that intoxicating aroma. It was still blood, but it had a twinge of something else. A twinge of something she didn't quite like. The dog stopped moving suddenly, before rushing off in the same direction- Faster this time, frantically.

When she arrived at the carcass where the wolfdog was feeding, she was a tad shocked. "Where did he come from..?" The dog was overcome with sympathy. She knew he was a loner, but he had the scent of other wolves on him. Most likely the ones that had caused the gash on his side. She dropped to her knees, kneeling a few feet away from him. She knew not to get to close, for he was eating.. And by the way he was feeding, she could tell he was quite hungry. A familiar voice rose up, breaking the silence and instructing the canines. "Wolf.. Lay here, head on her lap. Please. We can help. She's got somethings we can use to dry up the blood." Bambi maintained her silence, retrieving a medium length bandage from her sack. Some part of her was shocked to hear the woman use the word 'please'. Even if it was right after passing along an odd order. "Maybe I'm rubbing off on her." The wrapping wasn't that large, but it could do some good. "Huh.. Guess that 'useless' supplies in the house now can be used for something."

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