What happened to you?
Orin Takekuro

:: 400 + ♥ Word Count ::

Orin returned the hug with great vigor, not yet noticing the extra visitor that accompanied Shiloh. She mentioned Kavi and that she was still with her, so Orin gave an extra squeeze for the other personality within the woman, wanting them both to know they were welcome. She didn't know if Kavi could always hear or see through Shiloh, but if she could she didn't want her to be left out. In some ways, Kavi was just as vulnerable as Shiloh, even though Kavi was supposed to be the stronger of the two, the protective one. “Hi, Kavi.”

Her golden eyes trailed after Shiloh's hand as she reached down and touched something. A bundle? An eyebrow raised as she looked at the furless, scarred hands that touched the thing. No... wait, not a thing. A pup! Orin's eyes widened in astonishment and she gasped softly. Without even thinking she quickly retraced the time. How long ago? Wait... No... There wasn't enough time. Not for Shiloh, not for this age. They had only last parted about six weeks ago. This wasn't Shiloh's pup... but...

No, looking at Shiloh's face Orin realized this was Shiloh's pup. If not of her body, of her soul. A smile pulled her muzzle tight as her eyes went back to the baby. She was young, small and frail. She was lucky to have Shiloh. “Oh my god, Shiloh! She's beautiful.” Orin knew the dangers of having a pup in the cold first hand. Her own children had almost frozen to death when she fled with them from Cercatori. The girls would probably be dead now had it not been for Tala, the angel in Phoenix Valley who had found them in the nick of time and took them to shelter.

Nodding quickly, Orin motioned for Shiloh to follow, and she led the woman and her mount into Thornbury. Shiloh would know the way but still Orin led them to the barn, the last place Orin and Shiloh had seen each other. It was the best place for now, the other animals body heat would make the stable a lot warmer, and there were clean blankets there. Orin knew – she'd just laundered them herself a few days ago.

“Why don't you put Katelyn in her old stall and give her a blanket. I'll pup sit!” She said eagerly, holding out her arms to take the child from Shiloh, a wide grin on her face. It had felt like ages since she last cradled a pup. “Hi Sarian. Does she like milk still? I have some fresh milk from Soraya we could heat over a pot for her.”

“So... how did you get her?”

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