[M] Trap the world in friendship
.: OOC :. Hope you don't mind the PPing at the end so we can bring this to a close! If so, just le tme know and I can delete it Smile .: WC :. 465

His nervousness was palpable. The male lay completely stiff and rigid, cut off from the pretty female next to him, as he realized his potentially grievous mistake. You're an idiot, Shandom. You. Are. An. Idiot. Really, I don't know how you get so idiotic, his conscience chastised him. Internally, Shandom could imagine himself being beaten over the head with an extremely large baseball bat by, well, himself, if things went wrong and Saxif got clingy. It would be a horrible way to start out this new lands and... With this thought, Shandom almost had a heart attack. Mentally, he wracked his brain, begging himself to come up with something besides this horrific turn of events his brain apparently had decided to take. What if she's pregnant? Shandom hadn't bothered to take into account whether or not the female was in heat, and the alabaster male chose to shut his eyes momentarily and wing a prayer to the Gods he abandoned long ago: Please, please, don't let her be pregnant. After that thought, he decided the best course of action would be to sufficiently abandon the idea. Permanently.

The erasing of the idea was significantly helped by the nickname Saxif bestowed upon him. Shan...? he internally questioned, tensing and averting his eyes from the female. A deep, painful stabbing of his heart reminded him of his last nickname, his only nickname: Andy. It had been Lea's invention and Lea's alone; since then, nobody had thought to give him a nickname. Nobody had been comfortable enough around him to call him anything besides his full name, and it was extremely bizarre that this stranger decided it was okay to call him Shan. Inhaling deeply, the male decided it was for the best to not tell her off immediately. After all, it wasn't fair to her. She didn't know about Lea.

All these somber thoughts were erased by Saxif mentioning that she didn't do it with guys often. His mouth dropped comically open as his eyes widened to saucers. Had he not already been so exhausted, Shandom's little friend would have awoken instantaneously, ready for action merely from her words alone. You're kidding he breathed. That's fantastic. I have never heard anything so utterly wonderful in my life. You, Miss Saxif, have just struck me as wonderful. He gave her a dashing smile and pulled her close into a friendly hug. We must 'hang out' again! I feel like I can trust you and - trust me, pretty lady - that isn't an easy thing to accomplish. He gave her a cheesy, winning smile and winked in the most corny way possible.

He did have a reputation to uphold, after all.

They remained there for several more minutes before parting ways, agreeing to see each other again soon.

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