Pouring Leaves

Word Count → 231 :: OOC: so you know, you shouldn't play other peoples NPC companions, it's a form of pp on the other person. Just for future reference Smile

Things were going as slowly as they normally did. It was music to Shaw’s ears. Though he liked action so much more, he also knew what it cost to have such things, no he was happy with the quiet life. Izzy spoke up alerting Shaw, and he focused where her head was turned. There; a black wolf was standing by the borders. Shawchert raised his eyebrows a bit before hearing her out. He nodded in understanding though he came no closer.

“Hello; my name is Shawchert Menue, you’re at the border of Cercatori d’ Arte. What brings you so close to our home? I’m sure wandering around has its limits for pack members?”

Shaw could smell the other pack on the woman from as far as he could. He didn’t know which one, but it was probably one of the northern packs. There were only a few here that he knew of and he’d learned those scents. Izzy moved on top of Shaw’s head, as though she was trying to get a better look, though it made her far taller than need be. The rodent like creature twitched her nose a few times before settling back down on his shoulder. She didn’t speak out about anything, which usually was good for anyone near them. He waited for an introduction; and to see what this wolf wanted.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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