deep in the woods where the lost souls hide;;


Alexey hadn't expected an answer of the sort. Of course, she'd been aware that the coyote population had risen a little, but for them to have an actual clan meant they were quite a few. She nodded absentmindedly, now only semi listening to what Adelaida was saying. The sisters needed to come up with some kind of elaborate plan to use under emergency circumstances, just in case the yotes felt courageous enough to try anything funny. Luckily, Ade wasn't alone anymore. They were together now, and Lexey was there to help if anything bad was to occur.

However, Adelaida's next affirmation was a direct blow to the red-hued femme's composure. Not only had her sibling run into a coyote, but she spoke of something worse. Could it be? Were those two-legged freaks more than just a myth? Alexey remained quiet, mentally debating whether she wanted to know more about them or not. Maybe ignorance was bliss after all. The two-year-old stood there agape, not knowing what to do or say. "What are you talking about, sis?", seemed to be the only inquiry that made sense. Before the other female could reply, Lexey finally made her way toward her. She couldn't do much but try to lighten up the atmosphere. It was then that she playfully nipped at her sister's left ear, attempting to take some gravity away from the situation.

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