[M] Life, Pain...Same Thing?

At Shiloh's tears, Aleo's heart took over. When the woman pulled back his hand and put it back on her face, he had to give a gentle smile. Despite his mind telling him that this was too early an they didn't know eachother well, he wrapped his arms around her, hopefully to comfort her. He hated seeing anyone cry, it surprised him when she gave him a small kiss, his dark tail thumped against the ground and he foun d himself returning the gesture by catching the tip of her nose with his pink tongue. He pulled back, bashful and shy. He couldn't let them go too far.Come on, the only one? I-I must see you very differently. I think you're beautiful." He meant his words, his voice was strong and full of concern. "Don't cry...Whoever said that or hurt you...they don't know a thing." As she worked with his injuries, cutting away the makeshift bandage he had made with the dagger, he didn't know what to think. The herbs had an effect on him, the stinging pain was replaced with a cool numbness. The man could see that she indeed was a skilled healer. It appeared that she didn't want to answer his questions, but it didn't bother him the least. It did concern him though, maybe something had happened to Sarian and she didn't want to talk about it. Aleo sure hoped that the little puppy was alive and well, he did believe so as Shiloh was nurturing and helping him with his wounds. She was capable of nursing an orphaned pup back to life. "W-We don't know eachother well, yet you make me feel different. You have an effect on me, I cannot see why anyone was cruel to you." Aleo did want her to open up and talk to him. She seem to be struggling with something, maybe he could help. He was indeed joining Ichika no Ho-en, maybe he could visit her on occasion, check up on the tiny pup Shiloh cared for and meet the rest of the pack.

The boy's ears pinned back over his mop of black hair as he looked to the young woman in front of him. How did you find me? You seemed to know something was wrong..." When he said her name, she appeared. He felt the need to fix up the rough spots in her life, to help her feel happy. But she probably wouldn't want him around. His past was too rough, the massacre of his younger sister and family kept him unhappy, he had killed someone and crippled another. He thought it was right at the time, but he regretted it much to am extent. He felt happy now, Aleo hadn't felt like this in so long.[/html]

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