losing my religion
WC: 447

It made him slightly self conscious that Terra could not picture him as a Luperci, and should he have had the ability his cheeks would have been flushed with crimson. Nevertheless, chocolate orbs were redirected to the floor, and Shandom scuffed his paw a bit. I assure you, I am a Luperci, the male said. I can appreciate the benefits of having the virus, and I try to use them when it's convenient... But adapting to this lifestyle, especially at my age, is something that is just unfathomable for me. I may have acquired it in my relative youth - I was only three at the time - but I did not have much purpose for shifting until I arrived here.

He peered around a moment more before deciding he would have almost no use for one of these rooms. Although it was a decision that ostracized him from the rest of the pack - not that many knew he existed - he was more content that way. Who knew that adapting to the life of a pack wolf would really be so difficult? Who knew that he, a wolf who had been raised entrenched in hierarchy (albeit at the top), couldn't adjust? It was a strange thought to have. The life of a loner had certainly changed the male; there was so much about him that was different from the Shandom Qi'Vaex who lived in Etienne. With a bit of sadness, he wondered if anyone there would even like this new version of him. Puppy and elder killing aside, of course.

It does seem like a good place to store... clothes... and stuff... I guess. If there were a way to keep things cool, I could see myself storing meat in here; it would be safer from other predators. With winter coming, it would be nice to have a surplus of sorts. Shandom trailed off, lost in thought and potential ideas. He knew, however, that it was probably utterly impossible. But, Miss Terra, I have to disagree with you and your badger den argument. To me, it seems... These humans, they were so different from us. My ancestors never had much interaction with them, and so the stories I have heard are sparse and probably incorrect, but I feel as if they were... Impure. As if they abandoned the instincts the Creator bestowed upon them. I would not want to become such a creature. His speech was oddly impassioned as Shandom formulated the ideas that had been gathering in his head since he became a Luperci.

Truthfully, it was his greatest fear. To lose himself, to lose the essence that made him Shandom: that was horrifying.

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