Vagabond, traveler from afar
Looks fine with me. We'll just go with the flow Smile
wc 360

It had taken the female quite a bit of time to make it all the way here to the coast again. Her leg was after all still healing and after a ways she would have to stop and rest it so as to not injure it once again. But she had greatly wanted to return here ever since her acceptance into Twilight Vale. She had passed this coast as fast as she could on her trek west. She had been going at the quickest speed her back leg would permit to find another pack of wolves. However that quest had been completed, and the ebony femme had decided to take the day (or however long it would take her) to come back and see this territory.

Savina had perched herself on the precipice of one of the rocks that hung near the waters, staring out into the vast ocean with her blazing green orbs. She had always loved being near the sea. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, gulls calling, the salty scent of the ocean filling her head, these were things that she loved. But she also had a great respect for the power of the ocean, now more so than ever after her horrible ordeal on the ship. The wolf would never forget the sound of the sea rending the hull of the ship asunder and then how it had pulled her out into itself. However the sea had not killed her, it had washed her up on the shore of these lands, and with only a minor injury. She would eternally grateful for that. Perhaps the storm had been a blessing in disguise after all. Savina had started a new life here, and so far it had been a good one.

The femme was so caught up in watching tide come and go that she hadn't noticed the shifted male also admiring the coast not too far off from where she was. "Saluti!" She called out to the peppered wolf. Something about the sea had made her almost forget that most of the lupines here spoke English and she quickly slipped back into Italian.


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