Consequences of a dangerous game
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Pilot cast a glance back towards Skoll, whom had awoken from the effects of the Kava. He offered a genuine smile, glad to see that he still had a bit of humor even after his ordeal. "Glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" He did a general sweep over Skoll’s various bandages just to check to see everything was still in order. With that, he turned back to finish the pain killer he was working on for Skoll.

"This should help with the pain," Pilot told him, as he finished mixing together the ingredients. He poured the mixture into a jar and wrapped the top with a piece of cloth and twine. "All you’ll need to do is take a cup of this with some food. Just make sure you’re stomach isn’t empty. It’ll probably make you feel queasy if you take it on its own." He settled a small metal cup next to the jar and turned to look back to Skoll. "You really did a number to yourself," he said with a grin.


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