Walking Blindly Through Life.

Righto, next post is Ember's.

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

He struck, but too low. She moved and his aim was compromised, thus striking below the poorly protected part of the neck, and instead, hitting the solid bone where her chest started. But it didn't matter. Bone or not, he would simply tear through her flesh and break the bones with his teeth. A canine's bite was deadly, and a coyote's just as much so. Most canines sheer biting ability was only topped by that of the hyena, which could make short work of a creatures skin and bones. So Hybrid would make like a hyena and tear her apart.

He dug in with his claws, trying to grasp at the base of her neck so he could control the movement of her head. If he severed the muscles in her neck, it would make it more difficult (if impossible) for her to bite at him. He dug his claws in, and snapped at her with his teeth. He would break her apart, rip her bones out of her body and piss on her corpse. It would be beautiful.


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