Sunrise on a New Day
Oh the brotherly love! I really hope you guys don't mind if I hop into this thread! :][html]

Apollo opened his eyes, squinting at first as the morning light littered his sight. It was too much for him at first, as it always was, and he had to wait while he slowly adjusted himself to the brightness of the new day. He still lay there, legs sprawled out from under him, chin resting upon the ground. It had been lonely with Sirius gone, but Apollo had gotten over it. Why worry about something he couldn’t change? Besides, Sirius was annoying. He was always going out and exploring everything and making a big deal about simple things. Apollo was much more reserved and didn’t find much glory in all of the things that Sirius did.

He trotted through the house quiet as a ghost. The only sounds to be heard were the soft thumps of his paws as they skated across the ground. When he came to the front doors of the mansion, he stopped and stretched. His paws slid out in front of him and he arched his back, his pink tongue lolling out in a yawn. It felt good to stretch in the morning. He didn’t know why.

When he snuck out the doors and headed down the front steps, he immediately heard Sirius’s voice. Ahead of him, Apollo laid mismatched eyes on his brother and a stranger. She was part of Twilight Vale, he knew, but had never talked to her. He grumbled to himself as he made his way down to them. "Why are you here, Sirius?" He asked, dragging out his brother’s name in a mocking way. "Ho pensato che andaste," he added with a sneer.


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