Sunrise on a New Day
Yay brotherly Italian!

The onyx colored femme chuckled a bit as the pup agreed to her help, as indignantly as he could. He was a spirited youngster, he reminded her a bit of her brother when they had been that age. "Non sospetto l'odore sé era attaccato a me ancora. Ho unito appena l'altro giorno. Ma fa non lei si preoccupa, sono membro. Sono contento che lei accetterà il mio aiuto, poco un." Her green eyes sparkled with mischief. This little pup was bringing out the attitude in her.

Before their search even began they had found who they were looking for as another puppy came up to where they were standing. Savina couldn't help but laugh to herself that she had been right that the other pup had been in the mansion. "Ho pensato che andaste" So this other one knew some Italian as well? There must be someone else in the pack that knew some Italian, Savina made a mental note to find out who later. The wolfess frowned a bit at the exchange the two had, they must be brothers she thought. She positions her front legs between the two so they wouldn't start to outright fight. "Adesso, adesso lei due. Lei è la famiglia, penso che lei possa essere un pezzetto più piacevole a l'un l'altro di ciò. Che è il problema?" She shot a serious look at both of the pups.


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