Vagabond, traveler from afar

"Duis nibh tortor, semper quis, bibendum vitae, fringilla in, tortor."

The shifted wolf turned to see the approach of a newcomer, a friendly greeting to break his peace. That was alright...thoughtful reflection could wait until later, in the meantime he could humor one more of the region's wolves. He offered a smile back, remaining where he stood.

"Greetings," he called back kindly, raising a hand in a friendly wave. His calm was unperturbed by her lingual preferences, though he would have to eventually be on his way if she spoke nothing which he could understand. No...he was willing to waste a little time, why burn through the final chapter after going through the trouble of reading the rest of the book in exquisite detail? No, he could wait, and he could watch, and he could learn; he had the time to do these things, to both enjoy and analyze the place where his story would reach its ultimate culmination.

"How are you doing today?" he said calmly, relaxed and casual, maintaining easy control of his outward expression and body language. Not that he wasn't feeling calm and relaxed, but there was always an undercurrent of awareness and preparedness for the worst running through him, just as there was in any member of GreyClaw. No, the climax of the story was not here yet, but he was ready for the day when it was.


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