Walking Blindly Through Life.
http://i30.tinypic.com/124c39x.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; border: 1px solid #fff; outline: 1px solid #9C9C9C; background-color: #286ABD;">

It's a luscious mix of words and tricks

      Despite the barrier of bone between him and her vital organs and arteries the coyote kept digging into her body. It was hopeless now, his claws had her around the neck and no matter which way she contorted her body or flailed this way or that she could not break free. She felt a hot pain spreading from her chest from where one of his bites had landed and an alarming crack or pop sound and Cercelee prayed that whatever had been broken was not too important. And yet she couldn’t focus too closely on what was happening in front of her, because at the same time she felt her skin and muscle being torn between her shoulders and throughout her neck.

      A voice rang out to distract Cer from the pain, momentarily. Cercelee knew the voice and then she knew real fear. Ember was here. Cercelee could not see the girl, and she had no idea that her younger cousin had finally fully shifted, she only knew that Ember shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be in danger because of her. Cercelee was her Rosea, and the older cousin, Cer should be able to keep Ember from danger, not lead her to it. “Ember NO.” It was all she could manage before she had to turn her attention back to the coyote before her. Yet, was he distracted as well? Were his claws loosening around her neck or was she losing feeling? Cercelee began snapping at his face again, her fangs reaching for his eyes.

Table by Tammi!


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