Big Girls Do Cry
OOC: Poor Ayasha.

IC: She heard the footsteps but didn’t look up to see who it was. She didn’t really care who it was. Part of her wished they would go away but she really actually wanted them to stay, whoever it was. The footsteps stopped and there was a slight whine. A voice started talking and she looked up to see Teo kneeling next to her.

He had asked her what was wrong and she glanced down at the carving of her brother. Tears were still streaming down her face but her sobs had quieted to sniffles and the occasional hiccup. ”I was carving and let my mind wander. When I looked down, I saw who I had carved and I just sobbed.” She knew that it would be good to get all her pain and frustration out.

She took a deep breath and let him place his hand on her shoulder, giving a watery smile. ”This is my little brother. He and my other two siblings went to stay with our uncle soon after Maska came. Well, they came back except Ahiga. He died. And I couldn’t protect him. I’m his big sister. I should protect him and I failed him.” She was having trouble talking but needed to finish. ”Then my mom left to go on a peace mission and other’s have left because of that tyrant’s reign. And I have to look after my siblings.” She might have rambled but she couldn’t talk anymore and broke back into sobs.

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