Somebody's Watchin' Me

As Gwen continued to scour through the woods, going around the various paths with a bit of frustration, she began to grow more disheartened than usual. Running around as the wolf she was born as, she kept her nose low and tried to catch the scent of any female that had been passing through the area. Someone, anyone. Someone that might know something about the area that might be able to give her some answers to some things. Mostly, though, where her mother was. Sighing, she slumped down on the top of a dead log and looked around. When her gray eyes caught sight of something moving in the distance, dragging a sled behind it, she began to have her interest peaked. Who was this... person?

Gwen was quick to move near, but stay out of sight. She had grown weary of trusting people too soon by getting too close to them before knowing her targets. When she caught sight of the female shifter, walking around on two legs and dragging the sled behind her, Gwen gave a small smile. How... quaint. She was clinging to that form even in the wild. She could scare her. Potentially attack and take advantage of the situation, but that was not in Gwen's nature. Not to steal, that was, nor to rape. No, she had a certain spot of affection towards the female gender. Something about how they moved, how they seemed to carry themselves.

Funnily enough, it was shifters that mostly caught her attention. It was hard to describe way, but it seemed to add more desire to that strange, yet good, feeling in her gut. Deciding that she was not a threat, as she had no one tailing her, nor any malicious intent, Gwen was quick to jump down and stay a good ten feet away, sitting on her hind quarters and her tongue lolling out at the female before her. "Well, hello there." Gwen said, grinning at her and pulling her tongue back as she slowly approached, moving slow to show that she had no desire to cause harm as she took a seat beside her, closing the ten foot distance and making it a mere foot of distance. "You need some help dragging that around?" She asked, turning her head to the side in questioning.

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