Yesterday once more

Ehm, e an shifted her elle ikkje? Regne jo me d men eg må jo spør Tongue

She'd always liked the sea. She'd shifted for the first time by the sea, and she'd spent hours on end sitting on the structures that made the old human harbor of her packlands, just staring out to sea. It calmed her, and the smell was something of its own. It was unique, compared to other natural phenomenon. The smell was so distinct, the look of it so unlike anything else she'd seen. Yet wherever she encountered it, it seemed as if all the shorelines she set her paws upon was the same, and the horizon in the distance was the same she had seen a million times before, but from a different place. True, the water wasn't the same up close to shore, and there would be sand some places, some places rock, some places a steep dive into deep, dark water, with seaweeds and fishes playing so close to where one stood. But in the distance, it was the same. It made the ivory femme think of a great being, breathing, heaving, sleeping. In storms it unleashed its energy and its emotions, bellowing to the world, as if to prove its existence and crave attention. Right now there was not much to see, despite the heavy storms wrecking the area lately, the sea was still and the only thing that moved were seagulls flying above, screaming and occasionally dipping down into the water to pick something up. Green eyes traveled to look at the sand and shoreline instead, and easily spotted a dark form sitting there, resting.

White paws against white sand, but the sand lost the battle of which was lightest. It had a yellowish color-quality, but Mew's fur had less of that. Wet sand was also quite dark, while the light coat at best only turned slightly gray'ish in contact with water. Right now there was sun, sun between the thunderstorms. It shone on Mew's fur in a manner that might have made a human eye-specialist call out for sunglasses, as the amount of light reflected from her lightly colored pelt was quite impressive. It often happened like that in strong sun. The form she had seen quickly became that new male she had accepted into the pack, as she drew closer. His fur was in stark contrast to hers, dark,sticky with salt and sand. He had obviously been taking a dip in the water, either earlier or recently. Mew herself hadn't gotten that far yet, so her fur had little sand, and no stickiness. In his hand he held a bottle of something, and he seemed rather relaxed where he sat, beads and feathers tied to prettify his mane dangling and making noises in the light breeze. She looked at the bottle, then at him, and again concluded that he was ridicuously handsome. Without hesitation she put her four-legged form in his view and greeted him. Well hello, there you are again. Automatically she took on a flirting behavior, as she had last time. It wasn't her fault that he was handsome.


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