Somebody's Watchin' Me

lawls. +368

The white female seemed adamant about helping with the bags wince they were going to be traveling in the same direction. Tawny didn’t really see a problem with it. If the woman wanted to be paid for her labor, the brown girl could easily craft her some jewelry or weapons with the supplies carried in the bags she was struggling with. Shrugging, the girl stood and stretched, groaning softly when a few of her joined cracked and muscles pulled satisfactorily.

Going over to one of the larger bags, the pulled the leather strip that was holding it closed away and reached in. Her hand gripped a skin and she pulled, taking out a piece of ‘fabric’. It was the color of leaves and wood on one side and had deer skins sewn into the other. Pulling the things over her shoulders, she cinched it around her neck and arms, creating a cloak that would keep her body heat trapped inside.

Her body weight had dropped just a tiny bit in the days that she’d been wandering around Ichika, in shock from leaving Anathema and those who had cared for her after the attacks. She’d not eaten a real meal in days, just the simple and not very filling strips of meat she had stored in a few of the bags. While they were high in certain types of protein, there was virtually no fat in them and that is what she needed. Taking down some game soon was high on her list of things to do…not that she paid attention to the list, but it was there in her mind.

”Y-you are the only w-white wolf I have se-een in a while…” Her shoulders lifted and fell in a small shrug, there was nothing she could do to help in that department. Matteo was white…but he wasn’t all wolf. But wait…what if he was talking about Gemma? That one was white…and so, so beautiful, but she was so mean! ”G-Gemma is w-white…but sh-she is mean…and has a b-b-baby…” Tawny sighed and took our some of the meat she had stored in the same back, holding a handful out to Gwen without really thinking about it. ”I’m Tawny.”

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