pour some sugar on me
For once the tiny Lykoi was in a mellow mood. There was little that filled her mind and teased at her worries. Normally it was a whirlwind of thoughts flitting in and out of her brain that kept her on her toes and a gruff grouchy tone to her voice. Today though, she just simply turned towards the strange and gazed at her quietly, the eyes of a older woman peering from what seemed to be the face of a child. "Hello.." She repeated softly as she watched the stranger.

The scent that whirled about her spoke of no pack she knew, relaxing the young lady a bit, though she knew that a stranger could be just as dangerous as any pack member, sometimes even worse. Her eyes dared the woman to try something as she studied her. "Snow is coming..." she said suddenly, the cold went scent of frosty water on the breeze, the fresh scent of snow to come promised in the forecast. She could have looked at the sky, the dark gloomly clouds, the fact that the temperature had changed so suddenly, but she hadn't. She knew that scent and she always would. Idle talk was all the woman had for a stranger in passing right now.

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