Take me Ouut tonight
His heart sunk to the bottom of his chest, he didn't want to yell at his son but really he was touching onto topics that he wasn't ready for him to ask so many questions and then when he brought up things that Deuce had told him, he was sick of her taking stabs at him using his childern or having other come after him, Sh would pay one day and it wouldn't be any thing that he done, he would let karma play out her cards.

The male looked back to Jazper, maybe it was well past time that Lucifer gave Jazper that father son talked that truthfully Lucifer had hoped to pawn off onto Deuce. The male looked back to the dark colored child, seeing him hugging the ground with shame he sighed. "Lets drop your food of, we are going to be out for the night. It's way past time to have a father and son night out, live of the lands, not worrying about where our next meal is coming from." The black father stood up to take his son back to the house, granted that was his child's first hunt but with all the questions that was being asked today it was clear what time it was. sadly his baby boys where growing up.

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