Vagabond, traveler from afar
wc 338

"Ah, so we are both new here. I'm from Italy, it lies across that vast expanse of water." The jet-black female once again motioned towards the water. "Yes, I've always found the sea beautiful. I remember when I saw it for the first time. It took my breath away. Where are you from? If you don't mind my asking." Savina didn't want to come off as too invasive. There were things that she didn't want to talk about after all, and she was sure Asmodai was no different. "This is a good place to just relax and think." She nodded her head at him. "I agree. I've always found the coast to be a great place to come and think. The sound of the waves are very soothing. Its a good place to escape." The femme often found herself going to the ocean when she needed to be alone and think about things. Or if the ocean wasn't available, at least a lake or a river. Something about the water calmed her soul. It could make her relax when nothing else could.

She thought about his question for a moment. She knew she had come here because she wanted to see this coast again, but were there other reasons. Had she perhaps come here to close the chapter on her old life across the very sea she was looking at? The female thought that might be it, but she wasn't sure. Her feelings about her homeland were still very mixed. "Well when I was looking for a new home in this land I had passed through this way before. I did not have the time to admire it then, so now that I have found a new pack I wanted to return to appreciate this place more thoroughly. I was thinking about where I came from, and how I ended up here. How ruthless and yet kind nature can be, specifically the ocean." She almost felt like she was babbling, she hoped the male didn't think her dull.


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