Haunted House
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ooc: 379 Words

The pair carried on contently, talking to each other in whispered words as they attempted to better understand the other. It was moments like these that proved to be the most beneficial for them, when there was amble time to practice without chores bearing down on them... or at least the Nomad.

"Come, my friend," she encouraged the bird gently. "Have you remembered your name? Or could you speak it to me?" The owl simply ruffled his feathers, slipping further into his downy chest. His gleaming stare had softened to a bashful glow, and dare the woman say, there was reluctance in his eyes. She growled softly, coddling the bird with her vocal affections. "Come now. I know you have a name." Again the creature hooted then dipped even further into himself, threatening to become a single ball of fluff and feathers. "I would like to call you something other than 'nameless', but it goes against my culture to give you a name." It was an annoying hurdle really, one that could have just as easily been vaulted over had the weight of tradition not been so heavy. Though she was more than a little reluctant to shed it off her back. Her companion said nothing more, merely kept himself delved within his down and rode along with his companion in eerie silence. Eventually X'yrin gave up on her attempts and walked along, enjoying the scenery before it was abruptly invaded.

Both owl and wolf shared an alarmed stare as the colorful wolf appeared seemingly from the trees. Both were too stunned to react in violence, especially with question after question pelted at them with no room to answer. "Oh my," was all the startled woman could breathe out in the midst of the younger female's questions. Her ears danced awkwardly, playing and replaying the hastily spoken words before settling on one to start with. "Have you seen a bird like this?" she parried with a question of her own. "I did not know there was a time for him to sleep. He sleeps when I do and rides my back when there is nothing to hunt." Gradually, her brows furrowed. "And what of this rumor? Perhaps I haven't been within the woods long enough to have heard it?"


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