whittling away at the time
Alma smiled at the other female's tilted head and then, her sheepish look of understanding. She recognized the casual posture she had adopted as another sign of embarrassment; Alma did that herself often enough. Seeing it in someone else made her want to laugh. "I put them in my hair," she explained. She set the wood down and pointed to one of her braids. On the end of her braid, where previously a purple bead would've hung, was a piece of string tying the many strand of hair that formed her braid. "It goes on the end here, where the string is now."

The coywolf looked the woman up and down, gathering from her many scars that she was a warrior with a temper. Perhaps she was not used to being wrong, or not knowing something. Alma still wondered how she could not know what a bead was. Perhaps her family was isolated, like hers. Before she started traveling, Alma knew very little of luperci life, outside of how to shift and make weapons. "A very remote place?" she asked, as if she did not realize the other coyote was teasing her.

Alma was quiet for several moments as she listened to her answer of where she was from. Apparently, it was, though she had to wonder how she traveled around Nova Scotia without learning things from other Luperci. This prompted more questions in her mind, but Alma feared an argument from the scarred coywolf if she phrased it the wrong way, as warriors like her were prone to that - and Alma was unfortunately prone to phrasing things the wrong way. Her normal way of dealing with argumentative wolves was to extract herself from the situation and show submissiveness. That would not be suitable here, since the woman was new and not of a higher rank than her.

She tilted her head slightly as she considered her options. Then, a thought came to her: "Would you like some beads? I can make some for you." An offer of a gift might put her at ease, enough that she would not consider an argument. After a moment, she remembered the other coyote's question and added, "I am Alma."

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