femur and stone


Eris is by me!

There was a particular set of traits the sable she-wolf sought in Salsolian wolves. This was not to say all those they had added to their ranks were the same; certainly, one could not compare Denver Mathis and Liliya Russo. They were as different as night and day -- and yet, there was something they shared that the hybrid had seen. Even the dark Auxiliary herself could not say what that specific something was -- if pressed, she might have suggested it was intelligence, for it was true, both Denver and Liliya were smart. Still, in her heart, "intelligence" wasn't exactly right, and it was something else she sought. Not quite cleverness, not quite adaptability -- perhaps it was some mix of the three.

There was the physical aspect, of course -- all those accepted to Salsola were capable in some way or another. Hrafn had proven his worth physically, at least. There was hardly a question of that; the dark woman thought even Sirius might give a little squeal if he learned of this one's talents. It was his personality she had yet to test, and it was this she now intended to explore, posing her questions and studying his answers as if they were exam preparation materials. She smiled when he seemed uncomfortable; she assumed he would not wish to speak of the place he'd come from, or he was embarassed at his lack of positive answer.

Time isn't so important, The Auxiliary said, shaking her head as if to dismiss it. She herself could not say how many months it had been since they'd founded Salsola on this razor edge of the world, after all -- it felt like she had lived her all her long life. I do, yes -- but my home... hm, she said, answering honestly. There was no point in deceiving him, though the coal-hued woman generally had no qualm lying about Salsola to outsiders. My home is a strange place, at least in these parts.

We ask for loyalty and trust, above all things, the hybrid continued, considering her words carefully. Outsiders are not to be trusted, and so you must understand if I am vague, she added, almost apologetically -- both ears flicked backward, and a small smile appeared on her coal-hued muzzle. I am not sure such a place interests you. If you seek soft ways and soft wolves, I advise you continue to to the south, or head to the mountains.

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