perfect eyes will have perfect aim

Me too <3 >> 3+

It might have been surprising that, for all the individuals he might have picked, Clover alone had been chosen to attend him. She had been given a long lead on which to roam - No other hands, except maybe the dark clawed fingers of Eris herself, was granted such access to his belongings, to his very person. No other might dare to go through his chest and, if caught, escape from such an act unpunished. It was within Sirius' suspicious nature to be quite cruel towards those who breached his personal space.

There was one reason, and one reason alone, that Clover had been allowed such a presence. Not because she was beautiful, although that was surely the reason that the King was so enamored with her, nor because of her wonderful, simplistic purity. No, Sirius had chosen her to attend such tasks because he genuinely believed that she, of all the souls he knew in this world, would be the last to willfully betray him.

He saw it in her eyes, that kind of smitten look that told him he owned more than just her body, her presence, but her heart. Sirius had owned many things before, most that he had taken, but never had he been given a heart such as this. No, because Clover adored him, because perhaps she even loved him, if such a terrible and binding emotion did exist, then it was almost certain with the King of Thorns that she would not betray him; Not willfully, not intentionally.

Her fingers were cool as the worked on the sore spot in his shoulder, gentle but extremely pleasant as they meandered to the lean muscles of his neck. A deep thrum, almost like a soundless purr, echoed in the depths of his chest and throat. Acidic eyes so prone to the keen gaze of a raptor closed, just briefly, and for a moment the face of the King seemed peaceful, almost sweetly so. But at her softly-voiced assumption, one eye opened a crack, the venomously colored hue within leaking out the poison the air around it; As quick as it had gone, the wickedness and brooding returned to his dark features, sitting there handsomely as they almost always did. "I have been working with my horse; Learning her, as much as she is me. It is difficult," He had become so accustomed to bending the mind and will of Luperci to his own deeds - His silver tongue was well crafted at its skill of manipulation. But a horse was a simple beast, without the use of his language, and it could read his insides as well as it could his mask. Because of this, it was much more difficult to master control; Much more difficult to cloak the Hunter within him, to hide away that beast from eyes that could see deeper than those of his kind could.

A thought occurred to him, and after a thoughtful pause, the King spoke again. "And what of you, my Lady? How has my kingdom been treating you?" She was the jewel in his self-made crown, and it would surely dismay him if she were to tell him she disliked the land and the pack he called his own. More so, if any one soul had been giving her trouble... It irritated him to even consider the prospect of another tampering with what he had so clearly claimed as his own. Only Clover could pull herself from his grip now, and it seemed she was a very willing captive.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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