touch of chaos
Zana just sat and stared at the woman as she began to name everything that was wrong with the building. She couldn't help but laugh as she tried to decide if the woman was snobby or just fickle. She shook her head and rolled her eyes as she padded further down the hall, calling back as she moved. "Yes. Very dangerous things here. The worst. Your new clan mates."

She had been in the mansion quite a few times, though it was when she was a child she had never really thought about the place being dangerous or unsafe as she had explored it then. Now she stopped once more as she caught the question from Alma. "What is here? Home if you like I guess.." She peered in one of the empty rooms as she explained. "Some of the clan choose rooms here out of the weather. It's like a strange den of sorts I guess.." She disappeared into the empty room, not waiting for Alma to reply. If she wanted to see more she would move on.

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