I'm not ready to back down
Going to just PP ember in this instead, so you can post after Nani Big Grin

She was feeling a lot better now that she had at least talked to Conri, and now that she knew how mad he was at her for going to Inferni and for everything else. There was nothing that she could do about it, though...she'd had to go, for the safety of the pack. But then, at the same time, she knew that Conri had probably thought he was helping out the pack when he had followed that coyote back there and found Gabriel himself. Somehow, Naniko had gotten a different result than he had, though, and she'd spoken to Gabriel...and made a truce.

The smell of blood was thick around the border, making her antsy with worry. Where was it coming from? She spotted an odd shape on the horizon and rushed toward it, long legs taking her quickly forward. "Ember? What is it?" A rushed explanation came from the darker female, and Naniko bit her lip. It would take a thourough examination for her to know what was really wrong, if there was anything truly serious or if it was all superficial. Even superficial was bad, though...Cercelee looked really, really cut up. "Well, you came to the right place. No coyotes will come here. Let me take her--your arms probably need a break. Careful with her head."

She took the white one to her, motioning for the unsure Ember to follow. As soon as they reached the house Ember went ahead of her, stumbling up the stairs to open the door for her, holding it open. "You were right to bring her. A coyote? Do you know which one?" She directed the question to either of them, setting Cercelee down on the cushioned couch in the parlor. There was already a good deal of blood on it, a white sheet stretched out over it. This was where she usually fixed people up. Any coyote would have had reason to attack the Rosea. She was the leader of Dahlia de Mai, where Haku lived.

Naniko began with her legs, wincing inwardly at the sight of all the blood. "We need to get these cleaned. I have a solution for it, a liquid, and it burns like nothing else. But it's the only thing that works." She said, trying to prepare her for it. "I'll use water first, to get the blood out of the way." She looked to Ember. "Get me some clothes from the kitchen, bandages, and go into the shed and grab my bag." The younger female nodded, stumbling off to do the tasks that she was ordered.


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