Indeed a fool of mine

"Ah dunno." She answered him, looking up at him almost as if she expected him to have the answer to that question. Adults were supposed to know all sorts of things and, thus far, she hadn't found anyone that could tell her where her mother had gone and why. "Gabby jus said she gone." Could it really have been that simple though? Eris seemed to be gone as well or, at the very least, Rachias hadn't seen nor heard from her in quite some time, even before the disappearance of their mother. "Gabby gon' take care of 'Ferni now ahn Andre and Archam." But not me.

She watched him for a moment, head tilted backwards, eying him before she spoke up again. "Ah gotsa fin'a den. Rachi dun lik'a sleep ou'side." And that was it, her intentions to stay were crystal clear. "Or do ah get ta stay wit you Dad?" She lived with mother, after all, so why shouldn't she now live with her father, in his den, since her mother had up and left. Bright blue eyes stared up at him, waiting for some sort of response and almost daring him to deny her living in the lands. Dad was different though, she didn't see him nearly as much, so this was more of test just to see how far she could push him in to giving her what she wanted.


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