backwards marathon
Sorry if this kinda sucks. I'm working through this as much as Savina is XD If you have any suggestions feel free to share!

The femme listened as the pup tried to explain what he already knew. He knew the alphabet, that was good, and it was obvious he knew how to say basic words and phrases. Hmmmm, where would be a good place to start? The wolfess thought to herself. Then an idea came to her. It might be a bit juvenile, but it would be a good place to break the ice. "Alright Apollo. You stay there for a second. I'm going to draw some pictures in the ground and then when I'm done we'll see which ones you know the Italian words for."

With that the wolf turn around and used her claws to start drawing some pictures in the dirt. Some of them were easier and some were harder. She wanted to make sure she had a bit of a difficulty spectrum so she could get some idea where he was. The wolfess sketched a bear, a raven, a tree, a river, a representation of the coast, one of the mansion, a mountain, and finally one where she attempted to illustrate the wind. Savina turned back to Apollo then. "Well, I don't know how good my drawing skills are, but come over and look at these. See how many you can tell me the Italian words for." She hoped that this wasn't a silly exercise, it was the best thing she could come up with at the moment.


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