you raise me up
Who does Lubomir resemble? =)

I guess I'll bleed in silence

The early morning sun heated his back and his tail flicked in annoyance. With himself. He tried to let the sentiment go and started studying the wolf in the chair. He seemed bigger and broader than Lubomir, but then they all were. He had yet to find a male scrawnier than him, though that was not saying much. To be able to immerse one's self in literature... Unwillingly, he made his way inside the shop and to the bookshelves, his unbalanced gait raising small clouds of dust and leaving prints. He could see them, bound beautiful and silent, their entire beings waiting to be touched, held, explored. He reached out and took a book down, a compilation of poetry which he flicked through. Modern. He found one he liked and read an excerpt to the wolf.

'I blindfolded the sun
with my nights
and asked the sun to catch me.

I know where you are, the sun said,
just behind that time.
Don't bother to hide any longer.

Don't bother to hide any longer,
said all of them,
as well as all the feelings
I tried to blindfold.'*

Passion coursed through his voice, and his eyes shone. But as soon as the poem was over his eyes dulled again and his posture slumped, showing where he had been wounded. Lubomir looked at the stranger again and sighed softly. Blindfold. They were all blind, out there, fighting their endless brutal wars. And he was blind to what he felt for Ember and Mew. For one a semblance of love, for the other something akin to pity. And for both the horrible realisation that he had been rendered useless. 'Tell me, stranger, do you blindfold yourself to what happens there? You stay here, in dust and books. Do you, do I... do we purposefully draw a green scarf across our eyes, so that we may not see the horrors?' He inched closer and showed him the title of the poem, so that he would understand the green scarf. For once, Lubomir felt shackle-free. Here, in this dingy room, he could pretend he was someone, something else. A learned one.

Poem is "With a Green Scarf" by Mircea Sorescu


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