spiral staircase straight through the gates of..

!@#$%They were very different, but they were not worlds apart. Although they certainly were not on the same page, or even necessarily in the same book, they were easily still in the same library. Anselm, too, was an observer--and he found it downright fascinating how Samael chose to carry and present himself. He certainly seemed mad--impish, serpentine, bizarre. Then again, the de le Poer had seen plenty of crazies in his life. He knew what to look for, but he also knew not to fear it. He had killed a handful himself--far more, really, than the general population who often opted to leave him to his peace. Fiery tempers and blood-lust were not amongst his favourite personalities to deal with, but in this case, they were on the same side of the fence. It was natural for the coyote to be curious about him, anyway--it surprised him that more of the clan had not demanded answers immediately upon his "acceptance" by Gabriel. Maybe they knew enough not to question the doggish boy with sharp golden eyes.

!@#$%One shoulder lifted in a shrug as he polished the bone clean: Suit yourself. It didn't make sense to him why anybody would turn down a free meal--although in his mind's eye, he could see Samael returning here to scavenge the leftovers once he had already left. Either way, it made little difference to him how anybody else found their sustenance. Obviously, the strange prince had made it this far already. Using a large fore paw, he pushed the spent bone to the side, then began to lick away at the blood that clung to his fur. One leg first, and then the other--very methodical and calm. His own madness made him particularly keen on routines, sequences, and procedures. He could take it when the shit hit the fan, of course, but left to his own devices, he tended to follow some sort of pattern. When he was finished, he lazily licked his chops, then peered back up at Samael. He'd worry about his chest later when he went to find a drink.
!@#$%"Gabriel is my third cousin, or something like that," he replied simply. As the gears in his mind clicked, he recalled the words Faolin had mentioned while describing Samael--incest, murder, rape. "Through his father, of course, before you go and get excited," he added, with an amused glint in his eye. Meaning we're not related by blood. Yeah--he knew more than most of them probably thought he did. He was mostly curious to see if Sam would pick up the reference... and that kind of painfully sarcastic cynicism was the closest he got to making a joke.

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