Shadows Can't Hide In The Dark
Shiloh pulled him to the field and let Sarian go in the field to run herself into tiredness. Shiloh put out her blanket and pulled Aleo down to her. She would fianmly speak her mind to him, confess her feelings for him. "Aleo... I need you in my life. I love you. I want only you. You make me feel different, loved and accepted. I want you to say with me. I want you to love me," she whispered as Sarian came and climbed on to Aleo, nipping his ear. She yelled at him to play with her, to cuddle her and Shiloh pulled her down between them and pinned her down, playfully knocking her over as she tried to get up. She nipped at her and played with her.

So this is what a family felt like. Shiloh had wanted a family for so long and here was a male wanting to be with her, be her family and father figure to her daughter, give her and Kiara a break off and on. He had such a kind and gentle heart and Shiloh trusted him. Kavi had yet to come out with him. She trusted him and knew how much Shiloh needed him. Would he stay with her? Be the father to her Sarian?

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