deep in the woods where the lost souls hide;;

Alexey felt shame and dissapointment. She was disappointed with her failed attempts to cheer her sister up, and ashamed that she had so selfishly allowed Adelaida to come home alone. Seeing her own blood relative in such a state of panic was a direct blow to her heart. She couldn't help but apologize, feeling entirely responsible for everything Ade had gone through. A part of her kept wondering if perhaps her sister's imagination and loneliness had triggered any hallucinations, making things seem worse than they really were. After all, giant two-legged wolves did seem far-fetched. However, Pickles and his rodent friends had mentionned something similar to what Ade was talking about, making her stories somewhat more plausible. Alexey preferred believing it all; it was highly unlike her sister to lie about such things, and she was far from crazy. "I believe you sis." Her tone of voice was meek, powerless. The Kiois female pushed her nose through Adelaida's coat, nuzzling her neck affectionately. She would not inquire about such things anymore, not tonight atleast. Seeing her sibling this upset over this was not worth it.

"Are you staying in the old den?" Changing the topic of conversation was the right thing to do, and besides, her question wasn't completely pointless. Lexey was exhausted, and she wanted to know whether she'd have to get used to a new home or not. It seemed they would be spending the night here anyway, the storm was still going strong. Pickles was already fast asleep at Adelaida's feet, his little body curled up around her left front paw.

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