
sorry for the wait. in texas for the week, crappy internet connection.

Word Count → +3

Duke was such a gentle gaited horse. His body seemed to flow into each step he took with perfect ease, letting his rider sit still and comfortable on his back. Dixie was small enough that her legs didn’t hand down too far, and balancing on him was super easy. Once again she was riding without tack, instead opting for a bareback ride on a horse that preferred no saddle or bridle. He was so much more obedient without a metal piece in his mouth, making him grumpy and constantly distracted.

Dixie heard the whistle from a ways back and glanced over her shoulder, seeing the beautiful golden Anann jogging in their direction; quickly followed by the huge beast of a companion she called Rem. The small girl’s mouth parted in a grin and she watched as the Luna pulled herself up onto Rem’s back and easily caught up. Her head bowed slightly in a respectful greeting, and Duke whickered softly to other stallion. They had become friends, the girl thought, as her horse was so laid back and generally got along with everyone. He didn’t go around antagonizing the other horses and didn’t bother the mares, there was no real reason for Rem to not like him…other than the fact that he was a stallion.

”Well…I’ve got all these darn baskets just sittin’ there in the room…collectin’ dust and such. Didn’t really know what to do with ‘em till a few minutes ago.” She grinned proudly and patted one of the larger weaves that hung down at Duke’s side. ”Gonna see what kind of small game we got around here, make some traps. Her smile never faded as the excitement grew from just talking about the possibly successful idea. Of course she had no idea if the baskets would make good traps, but nothing was ever gained without trying first.

” If I get anythin’, I was thinkin’ about maybe makin’ us some stew. Wayne found some old pots in one of the houses the other day. There are a few real big ones that’ll do good for squirrel or rabbit stew.”

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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