good luck has it's storms

His ear flicked as Analise spoke to her adoptive mother but other than that he did not move from his position, his entire body rigid with.. fear. It was fear that held him so still now. Before his eyes flashed bloody images of a nightmarish day more than a year ago when his daughter had been born and he had been responsible for the death of his mate. He could still feel, the coldness of the knife against his fevered skin, the tears against his cheeks, the crimson that he'd been covered with from head to tail, it had taken days, weeks to scrub the stains from his fur, the feel of her skin splitting as he dragged it down over the swell of her stomach and blood blossoming forth, and the rush of air as she exhaled her last breath leaving him alone with two dead bodies and a sickly tiny daughter. Would the same happen again today? His fear was a real thing, he probably stank of it and neither of them knew why, they would think he was weak but he found he didn't care.

Analise's words drifted faintly as from a place far away, I've been good, there is a storm coming, no trouble for me She replied cheekily as she cuddled up to Io.

Aeron's statement gave him hope, she was too strong to die today. But he had thought that of Kailypso, the woman had been weakened by sickness and exhaustion, as far as he was aware neither of them were sick, he had provided for them, both of them as best he could. He had built them a house, just like he had done for Kailypso, tried to keep them safe. But would it be enough, for Io that answer was no, nothing would ever be enough but Aeron he was unsure about. He helped the golden warrior down to the floor and then backwards into the tiny closet Io insisted on using.

As cramped as it was the huge distance between himself and the three women could not have been more obvious. A crack of thunder and lightning raced across the sky, illuminating the room from a small window for a second, white eyes glowed in the darkness as the man whispered,

"La Tormenta."

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