I'm not ready to back down
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 81dgnc.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 493px; border: 1px solid #fff; background-color: #086DAC;">

She's got colors to spare and i don't care what they choose
    .Cercelee let herself relax as she realized they were on claimed lands. Claimed lands, and off limits, as far as the coyote clan was concerned. Her navy eyes were slipping shut as Ember handed her off to the female, eyes popping open to stare Naniko in the face. "Naniko?" It seemed like an odd time to see the Twilight Vale leader again, they had only met once at the leader meeting. Yet Cercelee recognized the female, and knew that Naniko was going to help her. Why else would Ember have brought her here?

     Naniko guessed at the cause of her injuries. A coyote. But perhaps it wasn’t a guess. The scent of the coyote was probably mingled with the metallic smell of the blood that coated Cercelee. "A coyote. It... He.. Attacked so fast." Cercelee tried to shake her head to answer Naniko’s question, but found that she couldn’t move her neck much, and what little she could move it caused great pain. Besides that she had no name to give, only a gender and Cercelee was sure that there was more than one male in the Inferni clan.

     Cercelee could not help it, but when Naniko let her down she began to tremble, laid out on the sheet which was quickly being decorated with new bright red patches. She tried to think of something, or someone to take her mind off of the situation, but found that nothing at the moment was really worth thinking of, and no one. She could not concentrate between the waves of searing pain and her tired mind and body trying to lull her into unconsciousness, or perhaps it was just the toll of her loss of blood. Blankly her eyes followed Naniko. She heard the words the female had said to Ember, or perhaps Naniko had said them to her, but Cercelee couldn’t focus. Could no longer really understand or process what the words meant.
Table by Tammi!


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