I'm not ready to back down

Cercelee didn't look good at all. Naniko had seen wounds that had crippled wolves before...but never so many on one body. It was like...even if the coyote knew that Cercelee was going to get away, that he was going to get in as much damage as he could. Nearly every part of the girl was ripped, punctured, or sticking missing fur. She was surprised that young Ember had been able to carry her so far with these kinds of injuries right in front of her eyes. The smell of blood was thick in the air. "Yes, Cercelee, it's me. I need you to tell me if this hurts." Her voice held some command, though the female spread out before her was also the leader of her own pack. She couldn't let the Rosea fall asleep or into unconciousness. She pressed her fingers carefully against the other's abdomen in a few difference places.

If she said that it didn't hurt then it would mean that there wasn't internal bleeding or bruising...which would be a really good sign, for such horrible injuries.

But if there was internal bleeding she wasn't sure what she could do. She didn't know the organs well enough, from only having studied human books, to fix them. Ember returned with the cloths and water and Naniko wet a few of them down, dabbing carefully at each wound that she saw."I need some more water, this time with a dipper in it. Both are in the kitchen."

She said to the darker Dahlia de Mai wolf. Naniko took her bottle of solution out, looking anxiously to Cercelee's face before she began applying it to the oozing punctures. She knew that they would have to work really fast to fight off infection...who knew how dirty a coyote's mouth was. "Gabriel will not send coyotes here, even in case of war...so you're safe here. Once we get you patched up you can rest, but I need to check your head first. Can you follow my finger with your eyes?"

She waved her finger slowly in front of Cercelee's face, watching. "Good. And you know where you are? Are you experiencing any pain when you move your neck? Really bad pain?" She knew that there were cuts there...but she needed to know if any teeth had actually gotten down to the bone. "Can you try and move your head for me? I know it's hard."


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