On kinder tides [Joining]

Word Count → 289

A wolf dedicated to making fires? That seemed a little… odd to Neela. She'd never found any particular use for fires other than cooking her food if the fancy struck her, which wasn't all that often for the effort it took. Still Pripyat said that his pack held a lot of ceremonies that involved bonfires, so evidently it was a useful job with these wolves.

The collie flushed when Pripyat commented that she smelled half dead, her head dipping further downwards both in embarrassment and in response to his suddenly unfriendly stare. "Err well, constant travelling on a boat doesn't really lend itself very well to cleaning and well…" Neela trailed off here, embarrassed. The truth was she probably could have kept herself clean, but the exhaustion and emotional damage had left her too listless to do anything more than keep herself alive and keep moving.

Pirpyat's words also triggered another string of thoughts within her mind. Neela was tired on running, tired of constantly moving , tired of living a lifestyle which left her in the situation where this unfriendly wolf was the most socialisation she had had in months.

Neela was tired of slowly killing herself.

The idea which began forming was buried deep with her mind, she wasn't even fully aware of it. Instead it simply manifested itself as a vague curiosity. " So your, err, is it pack that you use up here? Ichika no Ho-en right? What's it like living there?" The idea of pack life was interesting to Neela; the town she grew up in had a sense of community, but was nothing like an actual pack and was too small to attract the attention of any packs to settle there.

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