The world is dark and cold

I apologize for Hotaru being so rude. She's just grumpy.

Word Count → 325

Hotaru's ears twitched as she heard slow, heavy footsteps approach from behind her. Whoever was approaching her sounded much larger than Cain and they were coming from the entirely wrong direction. Even so, the blind wolf still held onto some desperate hope that it was her nomad friend. Hotaru turned her reddish head just slightly to show that she acknowledge the presence behind her. "C..Cain? Cain, is that you?" Even Hotaru could hear the panic in her voice as it quivered and shook. Hotaru knew and dreaded the answer and as she heard the strange males description of his pack her heart sank.

Dread clouded the young woman's face at the realization that she had been abandoned and betrayed. Not only that, but now there was some strange male behind her. Fawkes noticed his master's distress and protested vehemently against the stranger's appearance. Spreading his massive wings, Fawkes glided to his master's side and stared at glared at the red male. Hotaru, sensing Fawkes by her side, placed a quivering hand on the birds back. Fawkes waited patiently for direction, if need be the hawk would throw away his life to protect Hotaru.

Hotaru didn't move from her spot on the log, nor did she turn her body to face the male. Rather, she turned her head away, but left her ears facing towards him. If he were to approach, she would hear it. She did not trust him, despite the fact that he seemed to be sincere in his concern. The grey women took a deep breath before replying with a cool voice, "I am sorry if I have trespassed. I am new here and just a little lost. My companion should return soon, he is just... a little late is all. Which means he will come back any minute now..." Hotaru wanted the male to go away, for Cain to come back. She wanted to back home with her brother, to see again.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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