The world is dark and cold

Word Count → 239 :: OOC: NP at all :3

He could tell that there was something wrong the minute she sensed him. She had hopes for this Cain guy but had gotten him instead. Shawchert frowned, scratching his neck. He looked this way and that before taking only a step closer to take it back when the bird floated down to rest on her shoulder. He knew of one other man who owned birds who were his companions and they didn’t get on very well either. He hoped that this was just a bad introduction.

“Look if you tell me which way he went and came from I could possibly look for him? I mean I know my way around this forest well enough.”

Shawchert offered, what was wrong with her, why wouldnt’ she look at him? He knew he was scary, for his size he was quite a large man, but no one had just not turned to him, in a way it was disrespectful, but she seemed sorry that hse was trespassing, though she really wasn’t all that far from the border, he couldn’t understand if there was something wrong with her or he had a bad first impression. He hoped that he could make it up to her, if he had seemed rude in any way, though he wasn’t sure about her behavior in itself. Oh he was a stupid stupid man not to see that she was blind.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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