The world is dark and cold

Word Count → 280

Hotaru could tell she was being rude. Before her injury, she would have politely introduced herself and give a pretty little smile. Hotaru would have been oh, so pleasant and her brother... Hotaru shook her head frantically, trying to wipe the memory from her mind. The last thing she needed was to reminisce about the not so distant past. Hotaru had made it out with no visible injuries, but her mental wounds were festering. The grey wolf fought off her anger and rage. Whoever this stranger was, they did not deserve her biting tongue.

Hotaru carefully turned around, but did not leave the safety of her log. The blind women could hear her perch creak in protest under her shifting weight, yet the sound was so minute that she doubted the stranger before her could hear it. In an attempt to seem normal, Hotaru pointed hear massive head in the direction she though the male was standing. Unfortunately her aim was off and her head pointed too far to the right. Still, her eyes gave no sign of the disability that impaired them. Hotaru worked to change her body into a more submissive position, but could only succeed in lowering her shoulders and tail. Hotaru's ears acted as window to the outside world and she could not, would not, lower her ears for the sake of appearances. "There is no need to search for my...companion. I fear Cain may not be returning. If you could escort me to a cave or unoccupied den, that would" It bothered Hotaru that she needed to rely on this stranger's help. She did not trust him, nor would she ever trust someone again.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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