The world is dark and cold

Word Count → 238 :: OOC: heh he's dumb when it comes to other wolves it seems XD

She turned around and her head seemed to look just past him, not at him, though she was staring, he got the sinking feeling he knew what was wrong, why she hadn’t gone to her friend. Though, that made him feel worse, how could anyone leave a blind woman in the forest all alone? Shawchert swallowed, but what if she wasn’t blind? She didn’t look it, though she wasn’t looking at him, but he wasn’t dumb either. Taking a deep quiet breath he moved as silently as he could to another direction, as though he were hunting something, making sure whatever was unher his feet wasn’t disturbed so well. Then he spoke, something of an experiment, that probably would fail.

“There are many caves and dens that are unoccupied here, but the forest can be pretty dangerous. We’ve had a few mishaps with strangers around here.”

He said, not sure where he was going with this or what he was doing exactly, though he did know it was quite dangerous in the forest. He had the scars to prove it. He wasn’t sure how long she would last in the forest alone and he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out either; but he would not force her to stay with them either. That was something she needed to decide on her own. All she had to do was ask and he would call to his leader for her to bring her in. Though Shaw wouldn’t leave a blind woman out on her own; that would be extremely inappropriate... if she was blind.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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