Flower Girl
Enzo is very very close to the borders hunting birds with his homemade slingshot, anyone else is welcome to join in.
+10 hunting thread
+3 WC: 300+

He was still, very still as his bi colored eyes focused unwavering on the bird in front of him. Slowly his large hand drew the elastic on his sling shot back. The hunter was silent and unmoving as the bird cooed and tilted its head, pecking at the bark of the branch it was sat on. He let go and the elastic snapped back with a loud thwack and hurtled the stone he had picked up at the bird snapping its neck instantly. The bird was dead before it hit the ground. Pride glittered in his eyes and he rose swiftly and crossed the clearing to retrieve his catch. The pigeon was small but plump, fat on a diet of autumn shoots and berries ready to brave the coming winter.

The bird had been the second he had managed to catch with his newly made slingshot. The elastic had been found on his rooting through the courthouse. At first he had simply found amusement in the springy material until he had discovered that it fired rocks quite a distance and with a surprising amount of power that had set the cogs in his mind turning until he had been eventually let to tying it between a two pronged branch and creating a weapon and hunting aid from it, now he was testing its effectiveness.

The man continued his wandering along the pack borders with his sling shot and managed to kill two more birds bringing his total up to three. He tied them together by their feet and slung them over his shoulder. Green and purple surveyed the forest around him and narrowed in on another bird, bi colored gaze narrowed and he dropped down to one knee, pulling the elastic back and lining up his shot. Another thwack and the bird fell from its perch, he grinned to himself again.

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