The world is dark and cold

Word Count → 326

As the strange male moved Hotaru's head remained still. Despite the male's large size, his movements were quit and well concealed. Fawkes kept a weary on the male, but made no comment on his movement. As far as the bird could tell, the strange wolf was not moving towards his master, thus the movement was irrelevant. Hotaru continued to stare off into the distance with her shadowed eyes, unaware of what was happening. Hotaru's ears were able to pick up a slight rustling, but her untrained mind mistook the noise as a shift in position rather than a shift in location.

It wasn't until the male spoke up that Hotaru realized her mistake. The sudden change in direction caused her to start and her red ear's flipped toward the direction of his voice. The grey woman's body tensed and her heckles raised out of instinct. But as her mind took over, she realized that Fawkes would have given a warning cry if the male had come closer. Slowly but surely her muscles relaxed, but her guard was up. Hotaru reached for her staff and set the carved wood across her lap. If need be, the staff could be used as a weapon to defend her self. She had carved the staff herself and was sure of it's sturdy weight. It was a simple tool with none of her usual finesse. She would have to re-learn the art of carving in order to return to properly use her craft.

Once Hotaru was calm enough to respond she answered in an icy undertone. "Perhaps these strangers can do me a favor and 'escort' Cain home." Hotaru was clearly mad. Not only was she abandoned, but this strange male was playing stupid games. She did not choose to be blind, and did not appreciate him taking advantage of her disposition. Still, Hotaru needed to find shelter so she did her best to remove the anger from her voice. "Is there any place that I may reside safely? I have some... difficulties getting around."

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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