Wish I didn't know now
An easy target. That's what Amy saw. The single slave she had managed to procure rummaged behind her, bringing the various items her customers wanted from her wagon. She kept a sharp eye on the girl, as she was only partly broken in. Soon she'd be arriving at the coast where she could access her contacts more easily, but before then she wanted supplies. With the ease of a woman used to moving in shadows Amy stepped in front of the shy male. Greetings. Would you care to rest by my wagon? These markets can be very overwhelming.

A simple offer to earn the man's trust. She held out his arm for him, willing to guide him if he so wished. Amy was a businessman through and through. If it meant she would get a sale Amy was willing to do anything, even kill. Of course, that portion of her business had ended. Though the pay was quite high Amy hadn't cared for the assassin lifestyle, living at the beck and call of those who considered themselves higher up. Instead those talents had been turned to work for herself, striking fear into those that would try to cheat her. If they didn't pay, or tried to steal, Amy knew, and retribution was swift.

Pleasantly Amy lowered herself down, resting in the shade. Her horse stood nearby, eager to leave. The horse was a new acquirement as well, having only spent the past few months in America. She'd traveled far building new contacts, and it seemed her travels weren't quite over yet. The market wasn't under her control, nor did she wish for the power she once wielded. Amy truly yearned for the people to depend on her alone, and not just one of her subordinates. That is a lovely creature you have with you. Amy truly admired the cougar's coat, wishing that she could have it for herself. She'd trade for it if she could, but a rare find would be expensive.

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